
      Beijing Haike Financing Payment Service Incorporated Company
      無折轉(zhuǎn)客戶賬Non-passbook customer transferring
      無折客賬轉(zhuǎn)賬Non-passbook customer account transfer
      無折部轉(zhuǎn)客賬Non-passbook part transfer of customer account
      應(yīng)付利息結(jié)息Interest settlement for accrued interest payable
      消費或網(wǎng)付Consumption or internet payment
      無折直接貸記Non-passbook direct credit
      無折存現(xiàn)交易Non-passbook cash-deposit transaction
      對私國際發(fā)電International telegram to private customers
      對私境外匯款Overseas remittance to private accounts
      產(chǎn)品大類General category of product:產(chǎn)品子類Sub-category of product:
      起始日期Start date:結(jié)束日期Ending date:
      This statement is only intended for internal account check of the company.
      過賬日期Posting date

      開戶日期: 2012/01/04 開戶行: 88881
      Account opening date: Deposit bank:
      產(chǎn)品大類: 5500 產(chǎn)品子類: 1999
      Product Line: Subclass:
      起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日:
      Value date: Expirty date:
      存折號: 貨幣號: Bankbook number: Currency number:
      交易日 網(wǎng)點 交易代碼 貨幣號 交易金額 交易余額 摘要
      Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract
      交易類別 對方賬號
      Trade type Reciprocal account number
      亚洲综合欧美色五月俺也去,日本三级www,亚洲色偷偷偷鲁,亚洲A∨在线播无码AV 亚洲日韩欧洲无码av夜夜摸